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The reason multithreading is still used in spite of its challenges is that multithreading can have several benifits.
Some of these benefits are:
- Better resource utilization.
Simpler program design in some situations.
More responsive programs.
- 可以写出响应性更好的程序。
Better resource utilization
Imagine an applicaton that reads and processes files from the local file system.
Lets say that reading a file from disk takes 5 seconds and processing it takes 2 seconds. Processing two files then takes
假设如果从磁盘上面将文件加载到当前程序中需要 5s ,然后执行该文件需要 2s.
那么代码处理 2 份文件的所需要的时间统计如下所示:
5 seconds reading file A
2 seconds processing file A
5 seconds reading file B
2 seconds processing file B
14 seconds total
When reading the file from disk most of the CPU time is spent waiting for the disk to read the data.
当程序在执行从磁盘上读入文件的这段期间内 CPU 将大部分的时间花费在等待上。
The CPU is pretty much idle druing that time.
在等待的那段期间内,CPU 很有可能处于一种空闲状态。
It could be doing something else.
而在那段时间内 CPU 完全是可以做点其他的事情的。
By changing the order of the operations, the CPU could be better utilized. Look at this ordering:
通过修改执行操作的顺序,能够提升 CPU 的利用率。
5 seconds reading file A
5 seconds reading file B + 2 seconds processing file A
2 seconds processing file B
12 seconds total
The CPU waits for the first file to be read.
CPU 在首次从磁盘读入文件的时候处于等待状态。
Then it starts the read of the second file.
While the second file is being read, the CPU processes the first file.
当等待第二份文件从硬盘加载的期间内, CPU 会运行程序来处理读入第一份文件。
Remember, while waiting for the file to be read from disk, the CPU is mostly idel.
记住这一点,当 CPU 处于等待文件从磁盘加载文件的这段期间时, CPU 十有八九是处于空闲状态的。
In general, the CPU can be doing other things while waiting for IO.
就通常情况来说,当 CPU 等待 IO 操作的这段期间内完全可以做一些其他事情。
It doesn’t have to be disk IO.
也不一定非要是基于磁盘的 IO 操作。
It can be network IO as well, or input from a user at the machine.
还可以是基于网络的 IO 操作,或是来自于另外一台主机用户的输入数据。
Network and disk IO is often a lot slower than CPU’s and memory IO.
网络和磁盘上数据的读入写出速度通常要远远比 CPU 直接读写内存的速度要慢。
Simpler program desgin in some situations
If you were to program the above ordering of reading and processing by hand in a singlethread applicaton, you would have to keep track of both the read and procesisng state of each file.
Instead you can start two threads that each just reads and processes a single file.
Each of these threads will be blocked while waiting for the disk to read its file.
While waiting, other threads can use the CPU to process the parts of the file they have already read.
在该线程处于等待的过程中,其他的线程便会使用 CPU 资源来操作它已经从磁盘加载到内存的文件。
The result is, that the disk is kept busy at all times, reading from various files into memory. This results in a better utilization of both the disk and the CPU.
这样操作的结果便是可以保证磁盘一直处于忙碌状态,将不同的文件加载到内存中。 这种处理方法也可以提高使磁盘和 CPU 的资源利用率。
It is also easier to program, since each thread only has to keep track of a single file.
More responsive programs
Another common goal for turning a singlethreaded application into a multithreaded application is to achieve a more responsive application.
Imagine a server application that listens on some port for incoming requests, when a request is received, it handles the request and then goes back to listening.
假设在某个端口上监听是否有请求到来的服务器应用程序, 如果接到了一个请求的话,这个服务器应用程序首先会处理这个请求,然后等到处理请求之后才会返回去继续监听操作。
The server loop is sketched below.
while (server is active){
listen for request
process request
If the request takes a long time to process, no new client can send requests to the server for that duration.
An alternate design would be for the listening thread to pass the request to a worker thread, and return to listening immediately.
可以在设计上进行这样的变动: 创建一个用来将请求信息转发给处理请求的工作者线程这样的请求转发线程,每当转发执行结束便会立即恢复到监听的状态。
The worker thread will process the request and send a reply to the client.
This design is sketched below:
while ( server is active){
listen for request
hand request to worker thread
This way the server thread will be back at listening sooner.
Thus more clients can send requests to the server.
The server has become more responsive.
The same is true for desktop applications.
If you click a button that starts a long task, and the thread executing the task is the thread updating the windows, button etc., then the application will appear unresponsive while the task executes.
如果你通过点击一个按钮来启动一个长任务的话,并且该线程所执行任务是更新 windows 系统,不过在更新任务执行的时间段内该程序对于所有的操作都不会有任何响应操作。
Instead the task can be handed off to a worker thread.
While the worker thread is busy with the task, the window thread is free to respond to other user requests.
When the worker thread is done it signals the window thread.
The window thread can then update the application windows with the result of the task.
The program with the worker thread design will appear more responsive to the user.